Dave Brown

Dave Brown is the founder and co-host of the highly acclaimed weekly a cappella podcast show Mouth Off. He also serves as a nominator and judge for the Contemporary A cappella Recording Awards (CARA); and a frequent producer, emcee, and judge for all levels of the ICCA.
At Brigham Young University, Dave performed with Vocal Point, later 2006 ICCA champions, and he co-founded and directed the all-female group Noteworthy, 2007 ICCA champions and recent competitors in The Sing-Off on NBC.
Dave served for four years on the Board of Directors for the Contemporary A cappella Society (CASA), where he served a term as president, and where he founded the CASAcademy educational program.
He is in frequent demand as a teacher, coach, and clinician on group management and performance, including appearances at the West Coast A Cappella Summit, the East Coast A Cappella Summit, A Cappella Innovations, SoJam, SpringSing, the Los Angeles A Cappella Festival, and SingStrongDC.
He is a licensed attorney in the state of New York, where he worked in copyright law and music licensing for two years. Today Dave works as a music marketer and promoter for a record label based in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Freddie Feldman

Freddie has been immersed in the world of a cappella for over almost twenty years. He got his start with his high school group, The Coppertones. He started the college group, Five O'Clock Shadow, at Northwestern University. After graduation, he toured nationally with his professional a cappella group.
He has produced over 80 a cappella albums at his a cappella studio, VOCOMOTION, winning several Best Of College Acappella (BOCA) Awards and Contemporary Acappella Recording Awards (CARA). He has served as an album reviewer for the Recorded Acappella Review Board (RARB), reviewing dozens of albums for the online publication. He is the creator of The Thumper, the world's only throat microphone designed specifically for vocal percussion.
Freddie toured as the frontman of the hard-rock band Gaskit for four years. He is a two-time winner of Songs Inspired By Literature Songwriting Competition (SIBL). Gaskit opened for national acts Godsmack, Tantric, Drowning Pool, SOiL, and Dark New Day. Gaskit did a world-record national tour in 2004, playing in 50 states in 50 days. Their single "Peel This Away" featured on television show Jake 2.0 on UPN Network.
Freddie holds both a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from Northwestern University.
Articles by/about Freddie Feldman
ProSoundNews Magazine (January 2011 issue): "Small Footprint, Giant Sound"
Mix Magazine (June 2010 issue): "Studio Profile: Vocomotion"
eBook: "On-Time and On-Budget: Managing Your A Cappella Recording Project"
CASA.org: "How I Released An A Cappella Album on Vinyl"
AllMaleACappella.com: "Turning Noise Into Sound: An Interview With Freddie Feldman"
The Daily Northwestern: "A cappella in the digital age"