Next Program Dates

TBA, 2012

Just think: a few short months from now, you could be producing your own record! A cappella Boot Camp is limited to only 7 attendees, so enlist now to reserve your spot!

Enlist Now!

How Much Can You Save?

So you want to make a badass a cappella album. But unless you're signed to a fancy record label, recording a decent album can cost $10,000+ out of your own pocket. Ouch.
Never fear. At A cappella Boot Camp (ABC), we'll teach you to handle a lot of the recording process yourself, saving you dozens of hours of studio time and thousands of dollars in your budget. And while you're already sitting at the control table, we'll teach you how to make better music in the studio, build a much-needed rapport with mixing and mastering engineers, and put out a higher quality album. And after ABC, you'll know how to build up big marketing and publicity for your album, increasing your bottom line.

You can't afford NOT to attend!

Our Mission

The Ultimate DIY Music Experience

On day 1, you'll walk into our state-of-the-art studio wondering what all these knobs and buttons do. On day 5, you'll walk out a studio master.

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Our instructors

Dave Brown and Freddie Feldman are passionate teachers that bring a combined 40+ years of a cappella performing, recording, and coaching experience to every ABC seminar.

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Our Location

VOCOMOTION Studios, Chicago

Designed by world-renowned studio architect, John Storyk, VOCOMOTION enters its 12th year of mixing award-winning a cappella albums for groups around the world.

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